Narrated by renowned meteorologist John Morales, Third Degree Burnout uncovers the hidden connections between personal burnout and the climate crisis, revealing them as symptoms of a larger socio-economic metacrisis.
With world-class animation, engaging interviews with over 20 experts, and playful humor woven into thought-provoking skits, the film breaks down complex ideas into something accessible, relatable, and impactful.
From the history of our food systems to the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intersections of healthcare, politics, and society, this documentary offers a fresh lens on the systemic forces shaping burnout.
More than a film, it’s a call to action—delivering urgency, hope, and solutions for those seeking justice in nutrition, climate, and health equity.
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Meet The Team Behind The Vision
A documentary begins with a question—a spark that ignites a journey of discovery. It took a dedicated village to delve into the complexities of burnout, exploring its many intersections and uncovering its deeper truths. Together, we crafted this film to offer insight, provoke thought, and inspire understanding.
Nivi Jaswal, MBA, NBC-HWC
Director, Copywriter, Concept Writer, and Exec. Producer
Darren Suffolk
Director, Concept, Lead Director of Photography
Anja Thompson
Producer and Operations Lead
Cole Matthews
Researcher and Scriptwriter
Andrea Centeno
Post-Production Supervisor
Wayde Davy
Lead Editor
Matthew Phyffer
David Grevler
Sound Designer
Griselda Demaj
Creative Designer
Anna Jobarteh
Lead Female Actor
Richard Lund
Lead Male Actor
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